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Light Up The Season this Giving Tuesday!

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Light Up The Season this Giving Tuesday!

A letter from a grateful mom

Dear friends of Children’s Hospital,

I write to you with warm wishes and tremendous appreciation this holiday season. I write on behalf of my 4-year-old daughter, Jamie, who, for half of her life, has battled a rare form of brain cancer called pilocytic astrocytoma. Although she has spent the last two years receiving treatment at Children’s Hospital New Orleans, a journey with many ups and downs along the way, our path has been paved with countless blessings. It seems as though the chemotherapy treatments that Jamie has endured for weeks on end are finally paying off. While her tumor is shrinking, her spirit is growing stronger and stronger, and my heart swells with gratitude for her oncology team and all the amazing staff at Children’s Hospital.'

We are extremely fortunate to have what was recently ranked one of the world’s best children’s hospitals right here in our backyard. In fact, the oncology program is among the top 25 in the nation. But national rankings don’t paint an adequate picture of how truly special Children’s Hospital is. Everyone—from the doctors and nurses to the housekeeping staff—is bound by a love for children and a drive to give their very best selves to patients and families every day. This tremendous effort especially rings true during the holidays, when we would all much rather be at home in the comfort of our loved ones. Yet, the staff at Children’s Hospital never stops working for the children and families they care for. What a rare gift to have this home away from home.
I don’t often appeal for help from others. In fact, I’m usually the one lending a hand. But as I reflect on what Children’s Hospital has done for Jamie, I ask for your support in ensuring that more families like ours can benefit from this amazing place. Please join me in Lighting Up the Season at Children’s Hospital. Your gift will make a difference in the lives of so many. It has definitely brightened ours.

With love and gratitude,

Maegan Taylor

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