Diphtheria causes a severe throat infection that makes it very hard to swallow and breathe.
Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death.
Haemophilus Influenza Type B (Hib) causes joint, eye, ear and lung infections, and meningitis which may lead to brain damage or death.
Hepatitis A is a serious liver disease that causes flu-like symptoms, jaundice and severe diarrhea. Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection that can lead to liver damage, liver cancer and in some cases, death. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. HPV can cause cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men.
Measles causes a fever, rash, red, watery eyes and cold-like symptoms. It can lead to seizures, ear infection, diarrhea, and pneumonia. Rarely, can cause brain damage or death.
Meningitis is an infection of the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. One out of every 10 people who get this disease will die from it.
Mumps causes headache, fever and painful swelling of the cheeks and jaw. In some cases, it can lead to hearing loss, swelling of the brain and spinal cord, and brain damage.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough) causes long spells of coughing that makes it hard for a child to eat, drink and breathe. It can lead to pneumonia, seizures, brain damage, and death.
Pneumococcus can cause serious illness among young children. It is the most frequent cause of meningitis, blood infections, pneumonia, sinusitis, and ear infections.
Polio can cause lifelong paralysis and deformity.
Rotavirus is a virus that causes severe diarrhea often accompanied by vomiting and fever. It occurs mostly in babies and young children.
Rubella is highly contagious and causes a fever and rash on the face and neck. A pregnant woman who gets Rubella can lose her baby or have a baby with severe birth defects.
Tetanus causes severe muscle spasms, breathing and heart problems, and may lead to death.
Varicella (Chicken Pox) is a highly contagious disease that causes fever, tiredness, and weakness, followed by an itchy, blister-like rash.
Pneumococcal Vaccine: PCV 13 and been replaced with PCV 15 and PCV 20. The CDC recommends PCV 15 or PCV 20 for children younger than 5 years of age. If your child started with the PCV 13, they can finish the series with the PCV 15 or PCV 20, they do not need to start over.
Meningococcal B Vaccines: can help protect you from the meningococcal disease caused by serogroup B. This is a different from the meningococcal vaccine that protects you from serogroups A, C, W, and Y. The Meningococcal B vaccine is recommended for individuals 10 years of age or older that are at increased risk for this disease.
HPV Vaccine: is routinely recommended for girls and boys 11 – 12 years of age through age 26. If the first dose is received before the child is 15 years of age, 2 doses are required. Individuals that receive their first dose at or after 15 years of age and people with certain immunocompromising conditions need 3 doses. The HPV vaccine can prevent most cases of cervical cancer in females and anal, penile, and some throat cancers in males and females.
Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV): RSV can cause illness in individuals of all ages, but infants and older adults could experience more serious symptoms. The CDC now recommends babies under 8 months and older babies at an increased risk for RSV receive a single dose of the RSV antibody shot.
If you have any additional questions, please contact us at 504.733.3268 or by emailing CHGNOIN@LCMCHealth.org.