Continuing Medical Education

Postgraduate Medical Programs in New Orleans

Manning Family Children’s is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Regularly scheduled series

  • Pediatric Grand Rounds – Wednesdays from 12-1 pm (In-person in Large Conference Rooms and virtual)
  • Pediatric Saturday Symposium Series
  • Child Neurology Case Conference – 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 2-3 pm in ACC Room 3302
  • Tumor Board/ Cancer Conference – Wednesdays from 4-5 pm in the Large Conference Rooms
  • Neonatology Conference – Thursdays from 12:30-1:30 pm in the NICU Conference Room
  • Cardiology Case Management - Thursdays from 4-5 pm in CICI Conference Room

Physician outreach programs/CME

As part of the physician outreach program, Manning Family Children's offers several events throughout the state of Louisiana. Each program offers CME credit for physicians. If you are a medical professional and would like to be included on our mailing list for these events, please send an email to Gretchen Dondis at

CME applications

If you are a physician that would like to propose a CME activity for consideration, please submit an application (links below) telling us about your topic for review at least 4-6 weeks in advance of the proposed date. Proposed CME activities should increase medical knowledge, provide patient care, enhance professionalism, facility quality improvement, coordinate work in interdisciplinary teams, employ evidence-based practices and/or provide evidence of evaluation of performance in practice.

2024-2025 Pediatric grand rounds schedule

The Pediatric Grand Rounds Series continues for the 2024/2025 academic year with an in-person and virtual platform. The time for the weekly CME program is Wednesdays from 12-1 pm. Please see the schedule and topics below:

August 14 - Maradith Skalak, MD - "Rethinking the Futility and Fatality of T-13 and T-18"

August 21 - Marcella Houser, MD - "Updates on Pediatric Obesity Treatments (GLP-1 Receptor Agonists)"

August 28 - Adrienne Savant, MD - "Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening: Prompt Care Improves Outcomes"

September 4 - Jennifer Griggs, MD, Women in Medicine Visiting Professor - "ICD-11 QD85: The Diagnosis and Management of Burnout"

September 11 - Patrice Evers, MD - "Strategies for Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy and Refusal in Pediatric Practices" - CANCELED DUE TO CODE GRAY AND FRANCINE

September 18 - Neha Santucci, MD - "Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric Disorders of Gut Brain Interaction"

September 25 - Misty Good, MD - "A New Era of Treatments for Necrotizing Enterocolitis"

October 2 - Patricio Arias, MD and Kiera Tulla, MD - "Liver Failure and Transplantation"

October 9 - Kayla Pence, MD - "Febrile Seizures"

October 16 - Jean-Marie Alves-Bradford, MD - "Bias in Healthcare"

October 23 - Eileen Kline, MD, Visiting Professor - "It takes a Village: Building an Emergency Department Research Program"

October 30 - Adele Williams, MD - "Pediatric Solid Tumor"

November 6 - Ann Kulungowski, MD - "Pediatric Vascular Anomalies"

November 13 - Stuart Goldstein, MD, Visiting Professor - "From Bedside to Bench and Back to the Bedside – A Translational Clinical Research Story to Improve Outcomes for Patient with Acute Kidney Injury"

November 20 - Neal Jackson, MD - "Cochlear Implants"


December 4 - Jasbir Dhaliwal, Visiting Professor - “The Future of GI Medicine: Advancing Care Through Artificial Intelligence”

December 11 - Manette Ness-Cochinwala, MD - "Machine Learning in Medicine"

December 18 - Christy Mumphrey, MD - TBD

January 8 - Lindsay Elliott, DO and Kyle Fulton, MD - "Evaluation and Treatment of Infants with Plagiocephaly & Torticollis"

January 15 - Patrice Evers, MD -"Strategies for Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy and Refusal in Pediatric Practices"

January 22 - Regina Zambrano, MD - "Genethics: Ethics and Discrimination in Genetics"

January 29 - Jeffrey Surcouf, MD - "Eat, Sleep, Console"

February 5 - Tameka Jackson-Dyer - "Breastfeeding Equity"

February 12 - Tina Simpson, MD - TBD

February 19 - Kayla Phelps, MD - "DEI Research in the PICU"

February 26 - Katie Queen, MD - "Practical Approaches to Common Pediatric Behavioral Health Problems"

March 5 - Mardi Gras Break

March 12 - Brittany Andry, MD of Cedar Health - "Eating Disorders, ARFID"

March 19 - Bonnie Desselle, MD, Emily Masoumy, MD, Staci Olister, MD - "Women in Medicine: past, Present and Future"

March 26 - Kirk Thame, MD - "GI Motility"

April 2 - Dr. Margaret Shang - "Addressing Substance Use Disorder in the Primary Care Setting"

April 9 - Tom Kimball, MD - "A Root Cause Analysis of the Titanic Disaster: Lessons Applicable to Health Care Safety"

April 16 - Shubho Sarkar, MD - "AI in Medicine"

April 23 - Katrina Skinner, MD - "Success by Intention (Rewiring Your Reality)"

April 30 - Gary Duhon, MD - "Brain Death Guidelines"

May 7 - Elizabeth Wisner, MD and Andrew Abreo, MD - "Food Allergies"

May 14 - Alexis Thompson, MD - "Sickle Cell" - WORLEY HALL

May 21 - Jennifer Griggs, MD - "Coaching"

May 28 - HOLD - Dr. Juan Gershanik Lecture

June 4 - David Swetland, MD - "Vaping"

June 11 - Christopher Golden, MD - "Medical Education - Supporting URiM Learners"

June 18 - HOLD - Platou Lecture

Registration for CME/CEU credit for CHNOLA Pediatric Grand Rounds is now managed through the Google doc here.

Participants may register for all available courses at one time and weekly registration is no longer needed. All who register will receive an email with the link to Zoom 30 minutes prior to the start of Grand Rounds. You must register in order to receive CME/CEU credit.

CME credit will appear in your CE Broker account. Register for a basic, no cost account with CE Broker to track your hours. CEU credit will be emailed after the completion of the evaluation.

Denise Graham
CME Coordinator
Manning Family Children's
200 Henry Clay Avenue
New Orleans, LA 70118
O: 504.896.9431
F: 504.896.9707