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Back-to-school tips

Back-to-school tips

As the new school year begins, it is essential to prepare your child and give them the support they need for a smooth transition back to class. Back-to-school season can be a time of stress for many kids – even in the best of times. Make sure to pay close attention to a child's emotional health and well-being, and give them the support they need for a smooth transition back to class.

There are several ways you can help your child feel prepared for the new school year. Here are some tips to help reduce back-to-school anxiety, stress, and behavior issues:

  • Keep calm: Parents need to lead by example. Slow down and give your family extra time in the morning so you aren't anxious and rushed. The less rushed a child is in the morning, the more prepared they will feel for the day. Teach kids to take deep breaths to calm themselves.
  • Start a healthy routine: A nutritious diet, exercise, and good sleep are important. Children need a routine and a serene, structured schedule. Make sure your child has time to eat breakfast to start their long school day with energy.
  • Keep informed: Parents need to know what is happening with the COVID-19 virus and school masking policies. Consult trusted health organizations and your local school district. Don't rely on social media alone.
  • Be sensitive and keep kids in the know: Talk with your child and be tuned-in to their thoughts, concerns, and feelings. Answer their questions. Kids should know what you know so there are no surprises that can cause frustration.
  • Stay flexible: Avoid rigidity. Be aware of your child's expectations and possible anxieties about starting a new school year.
  • Talk with the teacher: Communicating with your child's teacher is important during these unusual and challenging times. Avoid pushing your child too hard as it could add more stress.
  • Look for warning signs: If your child's mood or behavior changes, or their sleeping and eating schedule is off, talk it over. If necessary, seek professional help.

Make sure to check out more of our resources through ThriveKids, The Student Wellness Project.