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CHNOLA's Back-To-School Checklist

CHNOLA's Back-To-School Checklist

Tips to prepare physically and mentally for the start of school.  

Each year, going back to school and re-adjusting to a new routine can be tough – especially for kids and teens.  Our Children’s Hospital providers are the kid experts, and have put together a list of to-do's, to make the back-to-school transition smooth for parents and students!  

Check in with a pediatrician 

It’s important to make an appointment with your pediatrician for a basic check-up to address any health or wellness issues that may arise during the school year. Here’s what you can expect from this visit: 

  • A physical examination to determine any health issues or concerns.  
  • Discuss diet and exercise.  
  • Discuss sports physicals and medication refills.  
  • Ask any questions about your child’s development or areas of concern.  
  • Make sure all vaccinations are up to date.  
  • Check dental and eye health.

Get your sports physical 

If your child is playing a sport this year, they will likely need a sports physical to make sure school is aware of concerns like asthma, existing injuries, or disabilities that may increase chances of getting hurt.  

  • Your doctor or sports medicine specialist will test joints, posture, flexibility, and strength. 
  • This examination will go beyond just a physical examination to investigate medical history like family illnesses, previous injuries, and medications.  

Adjust sleep schedule 

Adjust to earlier bedtimes a week or two before school starts and start getting back into a healthy routine so the first day of school doesn’t sneak up on you! 

  • Establish a time for lights out and avoid oversleeping on weekends. Shifting bedtimes and wake-up times by more than a few hours disturbs the body clock just like jet lag. 
  • Establish a routine, beginning in the toddler years: bath, read, turn on soothing music, etc. 
  • Use the bedroom for sleep only—no desks, computers, TVs or video games. 
  • Cut off all screen use at least an hour before bed. 
  • Beware of caffeine consumption in the afternoon, including sodas, coffee, and energy drinks. 

Plan healthy lunches and snacks 

A nutritious and well-balanced diet can be crucial to making it through the long school day. If you can, plan ahead! 

  • Plan to pack lunches and snacks that provide energy and brain power prepped in advance! Packing lunches and snacks the night before can help mornings run smoothly. 
  • Start each day with breakfast to kick start metabolism. 
  • If your child has allergies, prepare your child and their teachers on what to do in case of a medical emergency.  
  • In the case of allergy concerns, it is best to pack lunches and snacks for your child and educate them on what they can and cannot eat.  

Mental health check  

Remind your child that it is normal to feel a little anxious at the start of school, no matter what age.  

  • Get kids excited for the start of school by reminding them of the positive aspects like seeing old friends, meeting new ones, and recalling good experiences. Taking your child shopping for their school supplies is also a good way to get them excited. 
  • Attend any orientations or “meet the teacher” days so that you and your child get the lay of the land to alleviate first day stress.  
  • Talk with the teacher beforehand about any health concerns you may have for your child (ADHD, allergies, social issues etc.) 
  • Check in with your child each day, and teach them skills to help keep calm if they get overwhelmed.