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From diagnosis to determination: Isabella's transformative scoliosis journey

From diagnosis to determination: Isabella's transformative scoliosis journey

Isabella Bartholomew received her diagnosis of scoliosis at age 12, a pivotal moment in her life that set her on a challenging yet transformative health journey. Scoliosis, characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, can develop at different times and at varying degrees of severity. For Isabella, her condition went largely unnoticed until a routine screening by her pediatrician revealed the curve in her spine. At the time of her diagnosis, Isabella’s scoliosis wasn’t severe enough to necessitate immediate surgery.

Isabella was referred to the Orthopedic team at Children’s Hospital New Orleans to help her navigate her diagnosis. Her pediatric orthopedic specialist at the time, Dr. Andrew King, introduced her to a regimen of exercises designed to alleviate pain and enhance spinal flexibility. To further assist in managing her condition, Isabella wore a brace each night for two years.

At the age of 18, Isabella experienced a significant growth spurt that exacerbated her scoliosis. Spinal curves exceeding 45-50 degrees are typically considered severe, often necessitating surgical correction. Isabella’s curvature had reached a 55-degree angle, bringing considerable pain and discomfort. It became evident that surgery was the necessary step to correct her spinal alignment. 

Isabella’s father, Dr. Bradley Bartholomew, a respected neurosurgeon who had previously collaborated with Children’s Hospital New Orleans, had unwavering confidence in the orthopedic team there. “There was no doubt in my mind that was the best place for her to go,” Dr. Bartholomew reflected, praising the hospital's state-of-the-art facilities and advanced equipment.

By the time surgery was on the horizon, Dr. King had retired, and Dr. Carter Clement stepped in as Isabella’s orthopedic surgeon. Dr. Clement’s expertise and confidence were reassuring, promising a pain-free future for Isabella. The surgery was a success, with Isabella recovering remarkably fast. “Isabella did great during the surgery, and she had a very quick recovery,” Dr. Bartholomew shared. “Within a few weeks, she was walking without pain, and in a few months, she was back to running and swimming.”

Today, Isabella is an active 20-year-old, living her life to the fullest. She attends college in Washington D.C., aspiring to follow in the footsteps of her father and mother, both physicians, and Dr. Clement by pursuing a career in medicine. The time she spent in the orthopedic department at Children’s Hospital New Orleans had a profound impact on her, inspiring her to shadow Dr. Clement and delve deeper into the field of pediatric orthopedics. “She really looks up to Dr. Clement and is considering specializing in pediatric orthopedic surgery when she goes to medical school,” Dr. Bartholomew noted.

Isabella’s journey from diagnosis to recovery is a testament to her strength, the unwavering support of her family, and the exceptional care provided by Children’s Hospital New Orleans. Dr. Bartholomew couldn’t be more grateful, stating, “I can’t say enough about Children’s Hospital New Orleans and Dr. Clement and his care team.”

To learn more about the Children’s Hospital New Orleans orthopedic team, visit