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Najá Carter is eager to ‘adult’ after overcoming childhood Leukemia

Najá Carter is eager to ‘adult’ after overcoming childhood Leukemia

At 12 years old, Najá Carter enjoyed spending time with friends, playing volleyball and going to school. She simply “loved to have fun.” One day in the spring of 2018, Naja wasn’t feeling like herself. She started having bouts of shortness of breath and allergic reactions, complete with hives all over her body. She was diagnosed with allergies and asthma, but her symptoms didn’t improve despite being prescribed medications.  

One day, her twin brother, Elijah, found her unresponsive, prompting an emergency trip to Children’s Hospital New Orleans, which finally pointed to the correct diagnosis. “They told me I had cancer,” recalls Najá, now 19. “I was confused and didn’t understand what cancer really was. I was so scared.” Najá was diagnosed in April 2018 with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML) by her primary oncologist, Maria C. Velez, MD. Dr. Velez admitted Najá to start treatment immediately.  

AML is a rare type of childhood leukemia that occurs when the stem cells in the bone marrow make too many abnormal white blood cells too quickly. These abnormal cells, called myeloid blasts, can't become normal white blood cells. AML develops quickly and can worsen easily, so it's important to diagnose it promptly.  

Najá’s mom, Athenna Stewart, said the doctors and nurses at CHNOLA were wonderful. “Shelby, one of the nurses, really connected with my daughter,” said Athenna. “Shelby helped us explain what was going on. Before that day, Najá had only heard about horrible things that happen to people with cancer. Shelby really helped calm her down.” 

The treatment for AML is very intense. From her initial diagnosis in April 2018 to her chemotherapy's completion in September 2018, she was hospitalized many times for chemotherapy and complications associated with the treatment. However, by September 2018, she was in remission and could return to her life. 

Things were good for a little while and Naja enjoyed getting back to normal life, but in January 2021, Najá received some bad news- she had relapsed and needed additional chemotherapy. A few months later after achieving remission one more time, doctors told her she needed a bone marrow transplant. Luckily, her twin brother was able to be her donor. The bone marrow transplant was completed by pediatric oncologist, Zachary LeBlanc, MD, without any serious complications and Najá was successfully discharged in June.  

Today, Najá continues to be in complete remission, with no evidence of leukemia. Both Najá and her mom are grateful to the cancer fighting team at Children’s Hospital New Orleans and all of the doctors and nurses who provided such compassionate care. “I didn’t have any questions because Dr. Velez explained everything so well at every step of the way,” Athenna said.  

“I love all the nurses,” Najá said. “They all made me feel comfortable the whole way. Shelby and Cody took care of me so well, I felt like they were my older siblings. They always made me feel like I was important. They took their jobs seriously and made me feel like there was no reason to be afraid. I felt like I became friends with them. They just made me feel like everything was going to be OK.” 

With cancer in the rearview, Najá is looking forward to a bright future. She moved to Georgia with her boyfriend. “He knows my whole story and admires me,” she said. “He knows I’ve overcome a lot to be here.” Taking life one step at a time, Najá is thoughtfully considering her next moves. In the meantime, she delights in experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen and cherishes her time with her dog, three cats, and a lizard. Najá has always aspired to become a forensic pathologist and is excited to begin her journey towards achieving that dream. 

For more information about Children’s Hospital New Orleans Oncology Services, please visit: 

For more information about Children’s Hospital New Orleans Oncology and Transplant Services, please visit: