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Teaching children social acceptance with The Parenting Center

  • Category: Parenting
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  • Written By: Jeanne Renee’ Ancar, MA, Parent Educator
Teaching children social acceptance with The Parenting Center

Teaching acceptance is an important part of growing up. Acceptance is an everyday value that shows the world the person you are and the characteristics you uphold. As a parent or caregiver, you are the most influential person in your child’s life. What, when and how children learn about social acceptance begins with you, and The Parenting Center experts are here to guide you!

What is social acceptance?

Social acceptance is the process of being included and respected by others. It can be defined as accepting differences in others including the color of a person’s skin, gender, or disabilities; it is the act of embracing everyone and making them feel welcome, regardless of these differences.

The importance of teaching empathy and kindness

Social acceptance is important for everyone, but especially school-aged children who will be exposed to other individuals who may not look like them. It is fundamental that children learn at an early age how to understand those around them, because it will help them be more successful in their interactions with different people in the future. First, children need to learn empathy, which is the ability to understand the emotions of not only yourself but those around you. Once a child develops empathy, they can learn ways to express kindness, build relationships with peers and adults, and find ways to understand others. Children will soon discover that empathy and acts of kindness will help them to work cooperatively, which leads to productive problem-solving.

Teaching strategies

  • There are many ways to teach acceptance to children. The best way to teach is for parents to act as role models, demonstrating how to treat all people with respect and kindness.
  • Discuss what differences can look like; people may talk differently, walk differently, or learn differently. Visual prompts can be used to help increase a child’s understanding.
  • Consider reading books and watching shows that have characters with a variety of differences.
  • Expose children to other cultures and find out what makes them unique.
  • Use sports or other group activities to encourage teamwork.
  • Teach conflict resolution skills and the importance of letting everyone have a voice.

Your influence as an adult can alter a child’s beliefs and behavior toward others. When we teach and practice social acceptance, it leads to a better and kinder world.

Jeanne Renee’ Ancar, MA, Parent Educator

The Parenting Center


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