Palliative Care

The Pelican Krewe

The Pelican Krewe cares for the body, mind, and spirit of children and families living with serious illness. Our team provides palliative care and integrative therapies to patients of any age at any stage of serious illness. We support the treatment for underlying illnesses while striving for the best possible quality of life. We hope to understand what is most important to your family with the goal of making every day the very best day possible.


Our team of doctors, nurses, social workers, child life specialists, integrative therapists, spiritual care experts and psychology experts focus on the following:

  • Physical Care - Reducing pain and other distressing symptoms.
  • Psychosocial Care - Supporting overall well-being by attending to psychosocial and spiritual components of your family's experience with serious illness; Assist families in navigating resources at Manning Family Children's and in the community.
  • Quality of Life - Developing comprehensive, individualized care plans with an emphasis on improving quality of life and finding meaningfulness.
  • Coordination of Care - Communicating with the medical team(s) to provide information that makes sense for your family.

Palliative care is essential in providing your child and family with the most complete medical care.

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