The pain of losing a child is not quick to leave your heart, and it can
change your whole life. As you navigate your grief journey, you may notice
your grief has affected your mental health, your physical health, your
relationships with your loved ones and friends, and your ability to perform
at your job. These changes are all normal parts of the grief process.
We want to reassure you that while these negative changes are difficult
to navigate, they can be overcome. Many find strength and support through
the help of grief resources.
We all grieve differently, and each individual benefits from different
methods of processing their loss. Our bereavement program offers the following services:
- Information on local grief centers and support groups
- Referrals for individual and group counseling for children at our Trauma
and Grief (TAG) Center
- Online grief resources and support groups
- Information on how to support your children through their grief
If your family has experienced the death of a loved one at any age and
you are looking for counseling support for your child, please click the
link below for referral information to
Children’s Hospital Trauma and Grief (TAG) Center.
Other grief resources and support groups