Guest Services

Ask a Guest Services Representative for Help

Our Guest Services Representatives are here to help you with various services from 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. For all questions contact a Guest Services Representative at extension 84444, or stop by the information desk in the Main Concourse.

Patient dining


Wholesome, nourishing, and well-balanced meals are an important part of your child's treatment and recovery. Manning Family Children's makes every effort to provide nutritious meals that are prepared according to the doctor's orders.

Meal times

Patients are served breakfast between 7:30 and 8 am, lunch between 11:30 am and 12 pm, and dinner between 4:30 and 5 pm. Occasionally your child's meal may be delayed if he/she is scheduled for a special test or treatment.

Menu selection

Your child's breakfast tray will include a menu from which you can order your child's meals for the next day. Please mark the menu so it will be ready for pickup. If you have difficulty making menu selections, your nurse will be happy to help you. If your child is on a special diet prescribed by his or her doctor, you will receive menus tailored to your child's specific needs.

Guest meals

If a parent, family member or friend wants to eat in a patient room they may purchase a meal in the cafeteria and take it back to the room. A guest meal tray can also be delivered to the room at a cost of $5 for breakfast and $7 per meal. Orders and payments are made at Guest Services. Please place your order before 7:15 am for breakfast, 10:15 am for lunch, and before 3:15 pm for dinner. Credit cards are accepted.


Cafeteria hours:

  • Daily from 6:30 am - 6:30 pm

Serving lines:

  • Breakfast
    7 – 9:30 am
  • Lunch
    11 am - 1:45 pm
  • Dinner
    5 – 6 pm

Vending machines

Vending machines for snacks and beverages are located near cafeteria and are available 24 hours a day. When the cafeteria is closed, please access the vending machines behind the welcome desk in the Main Concourse.

Hospital ChapelChapel

The chapel is located just off the main lobby near the Information Desk. Visitors of all faiths are welcome to visit the chapel for prayer and meditation. Services are held on Sundays at 10 am. Holy Communion is distributed by request. Please call Pastoral Care at extension 84546 if you would like to see a chaplain or to receive Holy Communion, during the hours of 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday. At other times or in emergency situations, please notify your nurse who will work to locate a chaplain.

Child-sitting service

A child-sitting service, staffed by hospital volunteers, is available at Manning Family Children's for inpatients. Sitters may be scheduled by calling Guest Services at extension 84444.

This service is available to allow parents to leave the room to take a break, to go home for a while, to have a quiet meal outside of the room, etc. Please limit the time away to two hours so that this service may be provided to all who make a request.

Volunteers are available Monday - Friday from 8:30 am until 8:30 pm, and may be scheduled in advance for weekends. Requests for sitters should be received one day in advance. Volunteer sitters are limited, and requests will be filled in the order they are received.

Help for the hearing impaired

A telecommunications device is available to help the hearing impaired by calling Guest Services at extension 84444. Arrangements can also be made for a sign language expert by calling Social Services at extension 84367.

Foreign language interpretation

If a family needs an interpreter to communicate with staff or physicians, arrangements can be made to use a device which accesses an international bank of interpreters. The family should notify the nurse to obtain assistance.


Letters and packages for patients are delivered to patient rooms each day, and any that arrive after your child has been discharged are forwarded to your home. Stamps and cards may be purchased in the Gift Shop, located in the main lobby. There is a mail box just outside the hospital's main entrance for outgoing mail.


The Times Picayune may be purchased just outside the main entrance to the hospital. Daily papers are $.50 and Sunday papers are $1.50. USA Today is also sold for $.75.


Manning Family Children's does not provide transportation. However, there are taxi services available: