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Surgical Oncology

The Pediatric Surgery team provides expertise and comprehensive care for infants, children and young adults who have been diagnosed with bone or soft tissues tumors, both benign and malignant. The pediatric surgeons work closely with pediatric oncologists, orthopedic surgeons, radiation oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, and a robust group of supportive care services to treat our patients in a collaborative, multidisciplinary setting. Supportive care services include rehabilitation services, psychology, psychiatry, child life specialists, and social workers.

Through our membership in the Children’s Oncology Group (COG), we can offer patients from infancy to adolescence and young adulthood the most up-to-date clinical trials in our field as we continually strive to improve long-term outcomes for these patients. Such participation in clinical research efforts allows us to provide patients and families with access to both expert, state-of-the-art care as well as clinical trial options.

Weekly Tumor Board

The Children’s Hospital Tumor Board is a multidisciplinary team conference held weekly to discuss patients with a new cancer diagnosis, a relapsed diagnosis, or patients who may be difficult to manage. Pediatric specialists participating in the conference include the oncologists, pediatric surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopedic surgeons as well as radiologists, pathologists, nurse navigators, and social workers. The patient’s medical history, physical findings, diagnostic testing and labs, imaging studies, and pathology results are thoroughly reviewed, and a comprehensive treatment plan is developed to give each patient the best possible chance of survival and the best possible quality of life.

Surgical Oncology Committee

The Children’s Hospital Surgical Oncology Committee meets twice monthly to review all new solid tumor diagnoses as well as any cancer patients admitted to the hospital. This committee is made up of physicians from oncology, general surgery, otolaryngology (ENT), orthopedics, neurosurgery, and urology. The goal of this committee is to foster collaboration and streamlining of care for our most complex cancer patients and to facilitate discussion of patients requiring the involvement of surgeons from multiple subspecialties. This committee is also available to provide recommendations or second opinions to outside hospitals that may not have the same oncology resources.

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